Hi everyone!
Some tips to work with date/time intervals in PostgreSQL.
The first tip is how to know what day was yesterday:
SELECT (date_trunc('DAY', now()) + INTERVAL '- 1 day')::date;
We can show the function date_trunc() and the function now(). So, the result can be formatted using the “::date” cast operator. We can use cast to convert timestamp to date also using:
cast(date_trunc('DAY', now()) + INTERVAL '- 1 day') as date;
If you want to know what day is tomorrow, you can use something like this:
SELECT (date_trunc('DAY', now()) + INTERVAL '1 day')::date;
If you want to get the last day of this month, you can use something like this:
SELECT (date_trunc('MONTH', now()) + INTERVAL '1 MONTH - 1 day')::date;
You should already saw “days” in INTERVAL parameter. You can use “days” or “day”. Both will works well
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